Welcome to my website!

My career as a zooarchaeologist started in 1999, when I had the opportunity to work on a large Roman rural settlement and cemetery. This led to a PhD thesis, which I successfully defended in October 2007.
Since 2017, I have worked as a lecturer in zooarchaeology at the Institute for Prehistoric Archaeology at the Freie Universität Berlin. In 2018-2019, I took time off from this job to work on a project at the University of Sheffield (Marie Skłodowska Curie Fellowship from the European Research Council). Previous postdoctoral projects were carried out at the University of Basel (funded by the Gerda Henkel Stiftung) and the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (funded by NWO).
My main interests are Iron Age and Roman animal husbandry in food supply in northwestern and central Europe, the use of animals in ritual and, more recently, Bronze Age pastoralism in the Eastern European steppe.
This website contains some information on projects I have worked on, as well as a list of my publications.


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The Sheffield Zooarchaeology Lab team

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Working in the Fitch Laboratory of the British School at Athens in December 2012

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